Ally Roberts
S.T.E.M. Sites
(Science - Technology - Engineering - Math)
- Teachers - Students - Parents -
Check out these great STEM games & resources!
Learn computer science.
K-12 curriculum.

Engineering activities, games, & videos to
think like an astronaut.

Math & science games, activities, & videos - problem solving with clues.

Cyber Chase
Hands-on science resources, lesson plans, projects, videos,

Explore animals, play games, watch videos, brain boosters,
& cool stuff.

National Geographic
Science experiments, games, activities, challenges,
& more.

Kinetic City
Explore CSI, weather, medical, robotics, space, animals, under the sea, & more.
STEM Works

Explore exhibits, activities, apps,
& activities in
the STEM areas.

Videos & podcasts with explanations for the science around us!

How Stuff Works
Instructional videos for interactive science experiments.

Science Bob
Program & share interactive games, creations, & animations.

Offline resources,
science projects, recipes, crafts, & more.

Want to include STEM into your homeschool curriculum?
Check out these great resources too!
Free K-12 homeschooling STEM resources & personal experiences.

STEM Curriculum
Homeschool STEM curriculum with experiments & resources.

NGSS aligned STEM curriculum with free lessons & maker challenges.

Teach Engineering
Classroom & homeschool STEM strategies, activities, lessons, & more!

Homeschool STEM
Free STEAM lessons & citizen projects for K-8.

Free STEAM Lessons
Activities & resources for STEM/STEAM & positive mental health.

STEAM Powered Family