Ally Roberts
Master of Arts
Educational Technology
LTEC 602
Technology & Student-Centered
This course was taken at Eastern Michigan University prior to my admittance to the Master of Arts in
Educational Technology (MAET) program at Michigan State University. In this course, we focused on creating
blended student-led lesson plans using the 5E model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate) +Technology. The lesson
I created was The Physics Behind a Roller Coaster where students rotated through stations exploring content with hands-on activities, designed a roller coaster using materials found around the classroom, & recorded a video explaining their understanding of the physics behind a roller coaster. In addition, we focused on the impact of digital age practices,
differentiated constructivist from traditional learning environments through research, & were introduced to
makerspaces by designing activities that we could incorporate into our school environments.
" If we teach today's students as we
taught yesterday's, we rob them
of tomorrrow."
-John Dewey
Fall 2017
Dr. Toni Stokes Jones
" I hear & I forget.
I see & I remember.
I do & I understand. "
CEP 810
Teaching for understanding
with technology
Summer 2018
Debbie McHorney & Mary Wever
In this course, I experienced understanding versus simply learning by being involved hands-on in the learning
process, making mistakes, & discovering solutions. I was introduced to personal learning networks (PLN's) where others
with similar interests share their experiences to learn from. To experience PLN's, our main project was to learn a new skill
(mine being to learn how to chalk paint a dining set) from others using technological means (e.g. YouTube, blogs, etc.),
experience the completion of the task, & reflect on the successes/failures along the way to gain a meaningful understanding
of the skill. From the videos/blogs, I learned multiple ways for how to paint a set but painting the set & running into
obstacles to further learn from, I ultimately understood how to successfully chalk paint a dining set. In addition, in this
course I was able to explore a variety of new technologies that support teaching/student learning &
explored how they can be repurposed for successful educational purposes.
CEP 811
Adapting innovative technologies
in education
Fall 2018
Melissa White
This is the course that opened my eyes to how a piece of technology (both digital & non!) can be utilized beyond its
original intent (repurposed) simply by getting creative. Our main project was to create an activity that involved
repurposing a Maker Kit & by getting thrifty using items around the house. I designed an obstacle course using
electrical tape, dominoes, Dixie cups, a couple binders, an elbow macaroni box, & by programming a Sphero. After many
failed attempts & continuous improvisations, I succeeded & later understood this activity challenged me to think
outside-the-box to create new purposes for existing technologies which is what can be done with educational
resources on hand, allowing for the designing of high quality learning experiences without having to spend
a fortune. In addition, in this course I also experienced designing learning environments to allow
such experiences to take place.
" It's not about what it is,
it is about what it can become. "
-Dr. Seuss
" A problem well-defined
is a problem half solved. "
-John Dewey
CEP 812
Applying Educational Technology
to Issues of Practice
Spring 2019
Emily Stone
From this course, I understand the power of a question. I learned how to create beautiful questions for a wicked
problem. Wicked problems don’t have a definitive solution so I worked to figure out what was going wrong with my STEM program, I turned the issues into questions, focused on my questions, categorized them in different ways, stepped back, & tried to see the questions in a different way. From here, I focused on the major area of concern (root of the problem?) & turned
my wicked problem into a wicked question to find a solution for. To find a solution, I reached out, surveyed others to get
input to help towards a solution (surveys are unbiased & questions were written to focus on problem) & then researched
peer reviewed articles to find others who have experienced problems similar to mine. From here, I focused on data
from surveys & researched materials to work towards possible solutions for my
wicked problem.
CEP 800
Learning in school & other settings
Summer 2019
Dr. Diana Brandon & Brooke Thomas
Learning happens in many ways & by the means of our surrounding support. My focus in this course was to identify how I perceived the act of genuine learning based on my gathering of ideas from research & from my personal experiences.
Further research, combined with my perception of learning, helped me to identify how I perceived meaningful teaching that allowed for genuine learning to take place. I was able to express my perceptions of learning & teaching by writing my
personal Theory of Learning & Philosophy of Teaching essays. In addition, with motivations & emotions being two
factors that can support/hinder learning, I was motivated to identify & modify personal habits that could help to improve
my daily routine & clear my mind. From this activity, I experienced how the help & motivation from
others can support your wanting for change, help you reach your goals, & can make the
experience in doing so a positive one.
" LEARNING is not the product of
teaching. Learning is the
product of the activity
of the learners. "
-John Holt
CEP 822
Approaches to educational research
Summer 2019
Dr. E. David Wong & Ming Lei
I had always assumed scholarly works of any type were dependable resources, full of truth & “proven” results. By
conducting a series of extensive research on a topic of personal interest in this course, I discovered that is not the case &
learned how to identify high quality, dependable works. It was during this time of taking this course that I was considering homeschooling my children & chose this topic for my research project to help in making an informed decision whether
or not to. I learned approaches to take in search of scholarly works as well as how to choose works that focused on
more than one specific point of the topic & how to identify is bias was present. Ultimately, this course helped me
to learn how to learn from others' experiences & work.
" No research without action,
no action without research. "
-Kurt Lewin
" If your actions inspire others to dream more,
learn more, do more & become
more, you are a leader. "
-John Quincy Adams
CEP 815
Technology & Leadership
Fall 2019
Candace Robertson
In this course, I was to identify my strengths & weaknesses as a teacher & as an individual which helped me to
understand my beliefs & my values as a leader. Entering into the course, I had a misconception of what a leader truly
was but through collaboration & continuous reflection, I came to understand leaders work to inspire & share their knowledge
as they work towards their vision of beneficial change. With this new understanding & the understanding of strengths,
I created my Personal Leadership Philosophy that expresses my values as a future leader. In addition, I now understand technology integration isn’t just using a given technology in a lesson but seeing the potential of a technology from different perspectives, understanding it’s prospective benefits & constraints, & getting creative by when/how it can
be integrated across subjects. From this course, I have gained the confidence to be a leader &
have gained a new perspective of teaching/learning with a technology’s
limitless potential.
CEP 818
Creativity in Teaching & Learning
Fall 2019
D. Missy Cosby & Swati Mehta
This course forced me to think outside-the-box by using a set of thinking tools provided by
Root-Bernstein & Root-Bernstein in their book Sparks of Genius: The 13 Thinking Tools of the World's Most Creative People
as I in engaged in activities where I connected these tools to a content area topic to demonstrated my understanding.
Applying the creative thinking tools of perceiving, patterning, abstracting, embodiment, modeling, playing, &
synthesizing to my topic of problem solving by tinkering allowed me to connect with content by seeing it from different
angles, using my senses, & being involved with the process. One of my favorite activities was when I problem solved by
tinkering using modeling and dimensional thinking as I drew cities & landmarks on my left hand to represent the
State of Michigan to help me understand their locations & proximities. This course shifted how I think about
other topics and how such thinking tools can be utilized when integrating
technology & designing meaningful lessons.
" Play is the highest form of
research. "
-Albert Einstein
" Technology will not replace great teachers
but technology in the hands of
great teachers can be
transformational. "
-George Couros
CEP 820
Teaching Students Online
Spring 2020
Dr. Anne Heintz & Marissa Zhu
This course has helped me understand the importance of meaningful design for online instruction.
In creating my own online course module (OCM) for this course project, I experienced designing original multimedia
that allowed me to speak to students & parents while I explained activities allowing me to personalize the learning experience. Prior to designing my OCM, I was able to explore different course management systems (CMS) as well as prior
CEP 820 students' OCMs to get an idea for their affordances, constraints, & user-friendliness. Overall, it has
taught me how to be present in the course while not physically being & how to design the learning experience to
ensure it is engaging & purposeful.
" Life is about creating &
living experiences that are
worth sharing. "
-Steve Jobs
CEP 807
Capstone Portfolio Course
Spring 2020
Dr. Matthew Koehler & Aric Gaunt
My graduate school adventures conclude with CEP 807 allowing me to reflect on what I have taken away from my
experiences & present it in this very online portfolio of mine. I was able to explore different websites, focusing on their
available options for personalization, in choosing a website that would allow me to present my meaningful collection of experiences from the MAET program. In the my designing process, I was able to explore others portfolios that
inspired me & strongly utilized feedback as I improved its appearance & message. I have had the opportunity to reflect
on how the MAET has changed me & how it has inspired my future endeavors as both a
lifelong educator & learner.