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iAlly: Version 2020

Future Learning Goals

     In his 2005 Stanford Commencement Address speech, Steve Jobs is quoted for saying:


“You can’t connect the dots looking forward;

you can only connect them looking backwards.

You have to trust that the dots

will somehow connect in your future”. 


     In other words, as much as you want to plan out your future, real life happens and things don’t always work out as intended; this you will understand when you get to where you are supposed to be in life.


The Dream Job

      I dreamed of being a 3rd grade classroom teacher. My first few years, I worked as a Reading/Writing Interventionist with small group instruction and learned alternative teaching approaches. I fell in love with this way of teaching and learning as it was beyond rewarding when the students’ “light bulbs” turned on when they connected with the content! I later taught STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) where I was able to combine my knowledge of science from my degree with my experiences of small group instruction and allow learning to happen through exploration and experimenting. This was where I believed my “dots had connected” and I entered into the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program at Michigan State University (MSU) with the plan of understanding the STEM teaching mindset. As mentioned above, things don’t always work out as intended and sometimes real life just happens. What I did not plan for was understanding the learner and how we think, and understanding how close communications and freedom to explore can make for purposeful learning experiences that lead to student understanding and connecting. Ultimately, what I did not plan for was my WANTING to shift my role as an educator from the classroom setting into a homeschool setting where I could provide such experiences for my own children. With my new role as a homeschool educator comes new responsibilities, new mindsets, and new learning goals. As I continue this new journey, I want to keep my focus on incorporating learning into everyday life, providing my children opportunities to socialize and collaborate with other homeschoolers, and exploring opportunities to grow as an homeschool educator.


Goal #1:

Create Meaningful Learning Experiences in Everyday Routines

     We learn best from meaningful experiences where we can connect our knowledge to real life scenarios. I want to be able to create a routine and a learning environment within our home where meaningful experiences can naturally occur. I want to learn how to turn my children’s self routines, habits, and interests into a sudden and smooth learning experience that they can enjoy. With the advice and shared experiences of Julie Bogart in her book The Brave Learner, I can create a new household routine that promotes such learning experiences as well as learn to identify learning opportunities from all around us.

Goal #2:

Research Collaborative Opportunities

     Learning from others, through collaboration, and through the sharing of knowledge, is of utmost importance in the learning process for all learners. One struggle with homeschooling is not having daily opportunities to socialize and collaborate with other learners besides your siblings and parents. After expressing this concern to a fellow teacher friend, I was introduced to partnership opportunities where homeschoolers can meet and build friendships, attend classes and plan field trips, and ultimately, learn together! I was introduced specifically to the partnership provided by Lakeshore Virtual School through the Gibraltar School District but am continuing to research other opportunities through sources such as The HomeSchool Mom for additional experiences for my daughters.

Goal #3:

PD For Mommy

     Lastly, with homeschooling being a new experience for myself and for my children, I have a lot to learn to ensure I am on the right track, providing the best education for my children. As I mentioned, we learn best from others, through sharing of knowledge, and through exploration. This goes for the teacher too! I want to learn from other homeschool parents experiences, explore curriculum options, discuss concerns, and stay up to date with state laws. Attending conferences and workshops, such as the 2020 INCH Conference, would allow me to listen to speakers discuss many topics of homeschooling, collaborate with other Michigan homeschool parents, sample curriculums and resources, and gather information that would continue to help me plan a purpose learning experience for my children.


Everything Happens for a Reason


     Becoming a homeschool educator was not in my plan. From my experiences teaching, parenting, and being a student, I did not expect that my passions for each would come together, connect, and provide me with an opportunity to experience them at once. Now looking backwards, I understand my experiences lead to this opportunity and I am going to do all that I can possibly do to ensure a meaningful, well thought out, and welcoming learning experience for my daughters.

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